▶ 장 요약
  마26:1        유대인의 공회의 음모
  마26:6        예수께 향유를 부은 여인
  마26:14        유다가 예수를 팖
  마26:17        최후의 성만찬
  마26:30        베드로의 부인을 예언함
  마26:36        겟세마네의 기도
  마26:47        예수께서 잡히심
  마26:57        가야바에게 심문 당함
  마26:69        베드로 예수 부인

Christ predicts his being betrayed and crucified, 1, 2. The chief priests, scribes, and elders consult about his death, 3-5. A woman anoints his head at Bethany, at which the disciples are offended, but Christ vindicates her conduct, 6- 13. Judas, for thirty pieces of silver, engages with the chief priests to betray him, 14-16. He eats a passover with his disciples, and assures them of his approaching death, and that one of them would betray him, 17-21. On each asking, Is it I? Christ asserts that Judas is the traitor, 22-25. Having eaten his last supper, he institutes the eucharist, to be observed in his Church as a memorial of his sacrificial death, 26-29. They sing a hymn, go to the mount of Olives, and he again announces his approaching death and resurrection, 30-32. Peter asserts his resolution to be faithful to his Master, and Christ foretells his denial and apostasy, 33-35. He goes to Gethsemane; the transactions there, 36-46. Judas comes with the high priest's mob and betrays him with a kiss, 47-50. Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest's servant; Christ discourses with the multitude, 51-55. The disciples flee, and he is led to Caiaphas, 56, 57. Peter follows at a distance, 58. They seek false witnesses, and question our Lord, who declares himself to be the Christ, 59-64. They accuse him of blasphemy, and abuse him, 65-68. Peter's denial and repentance, 69-75.



==== god 개역한글

1. 예수님께서 베다니 문둥이 시몬의 집에 계실 때 한 여자가 무엇을 가지고 예수님의 머리에 부었는가?
2. 가롯 유다가 예수님을 은 (   )을 받고 넘겨 주었다.

3. "이것은 죄 사함을 얻게 하려고 많은 사람을 위하여 흘리는 바 나의 피 곧 언약의 피니라." 이 말씀은 누구에게 하신 말씀인가?
4. 검을 가지는 자는 다 검으로 (   ) 것이라고 했다.


5.예수님이 이 땅에 오신 목적은(마 26:2)?

6.여인이 향유를 부은 이유는(마 26:6-13)?


7.여인에 대한 제자들의 태도는(마 26:8, 9)?

8.은 삼십의 의미는(마 26:15)?


9.예수님께서 자신이 팔릴 것을 말씀하신 이유는(마 26:23, 24)?

10.가룟 유다의 잘못은 무엇인가(마 26:25)?


11.성찬 예식이 주는 의미는(마 26:26-29)?

12.예수님의 말씀에 대한 베드로의 대답은(마 26:35)?


13.주님을 부인하지 않겠다하는 베드로의 말 속에 담긴 의미는(마 26:33-35)?

14.예수님이 겟세마네에서 기도한 내용은(마 26:39)?


15.예수님이 십자가를 앞두고 간절히 기도할 때 제자들은 무엇을 하고 있었나(마 26:40)?

16.유대인에게 있어서의 ‘입맞춤’의 의미는(마 26:48, 49)?


17.예수님은 유다를 어떻게 대하셨나(마 26:50)?

18.예수님을 성전에서 잡지 않은 까닭은(마 26:56)?


19.예수님을 따라가는 베드로의 태도는(마 26:57, 58)?

20.예수님을 향한 세상 사람들의 모습은(마 26:59-68)?


21.베드로가 예수님을 부인하는 단계적 변화는(마 26:69-74)?

NIV (KJV) 마태복음 26장 본문 (클릭)

1. With what did Judas signify Jesus to the crowd?  
2. What were the disciples doing every time Jesus returned from prayer in Gethsemane?  
3. What did Jesus say of his was overwhelmed with sorrow?

4. Who was struck when the flock scattered?  
5. Baffles ten endeavoured to reveal day to prepare for Passover!
6. Whose home did Jesus stay in Bethany?

7. Who was the high priest?
8. How many silver coins bought Judas?  
9. Jesus told Peter he would disown him three times before what crows?  

10. What did the high priest do to his clothes?  
11. Where did Jesus say he would go ahead to after he had risen?  
12. What type of servant did Peter first deny Jesus?

13. Jesus said one will betray me who has dipped his hand in what?  
14. What type of jar held the expensive perfume?
15. What did the servant of the high priest lose?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교