»çµµÇàÀü (Acts)
World English Bible(WEB ¿µ¾î¼º°æ¿¡¼­) (NIV, KJV ¿µ¾î¼º°æ)
±Ç´ÉÀ» ¹ÞÀº ±³È¸ (1-4Àå) 
    Chapter 1  
     1- 5 Proofs of Christ's resurrection. 
     6-11 Christ's ascension. 
    12-14 The apostles unite in prayer. 
    15-26 Matthias chosen in the place of Judas. 

    Chapter 2  

     1- 4 The descent of the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost. 
     5-13 The apostles speak in divers languages. 
    14-36 Peter's address to the Jews. 
    37-41 Three thousand souls converted. 
    42-47 The piety and affection of the disciples. 

    Chapter 3  

     1-11 A lame man healed by Peter and John. 
    12-26 Peter's address to the Jews. 

    Chapter 4  

     1- 4 Peter and John imprisoned. 
     5-14 The apostles boldly testify to Christ. 
    15-22 Peter and John refuse to be silenced. 
    23-31 The believers unite in prayer and praise. 
    32-37 The holy charity of the Christians.

È®ÀåµÇ´Â ±³È¸ (5-7Àå) 
    Chapter 5  

     1-11 The death of Ananias and Sapphira. 
    12-16 The power which accompanied the preaching of the gospel. 
    17-25 The apostles imprisoned, but set free by an angel. 
    26-33 The apostles testify to Christ before the council. 
    34-42 The advice of Gamaliel, The council let the apostles go. 

    Chapter 6  

     1- 7 The appointment of deacons. 
     8-15 Stephen falsely accused of blasphemy. 

    Chapter 7  

     1-50 Stephen's defence. 
    51-53 Stephen reproves the Jews for the death of Christ. 
    54-60 The martyrdom of Stephen.

´ëÇ×ÇÏ´Â ±³È¸ (8-9Àå) 
    Chapter 8  

     1- 4 Saul persecutes the church. 
     5-13 Philip's success at Samaria. Simon the sorcerer baptized. 
    14-25 The hypocrisy of Simon detected. 
    26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian. 

    Chapter 9  

     1- 9 The conversion of Saul. 
    10-22 Saul converted preaches Christ. 
    23-31 Saul is persecuted at Damascus, and goes to Jerusalem. 
    32-35 Cure of Eneas. 
    36-43 Dorcas raised to life.

°úµµ±âÀÇ ±³È¸ (10-12Àå) 
    Chapter 10  

     1- 8 Cornelius directed to send for Peter. 
     9-18 Peter's vision. 
    19-33 He goes to Cornelius. 
    34-43 His discourse to Cornelius. 
    44-48 The gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out. 

    Chapter 11  

     1-18 Peter's defence. 
    19-24 The success of the gospel at Antioch. 
    25-30 The disciples named Christians, Relief sent to Judea. 

    Chapter 12  

     1- 5 The martyrdom of James, and the imprisonment of Peter. 
     6-11 He is delivered from prison by an angel. 
    12-19 Peter departs, Herod's rage. 
    20-25 The death of Herod.

¹Ù¿ïÀÇ 1Â÷ ¿©Çà (13-15Àå) 
    Chapter 13  

     1- 3 The mission of Paul and Barnabas. 
     4-13 Elymas the sorcerer. 
    14-41 Paul's discourse at Antioch. 
    42-52 He preaches to the Gentiles, and is persecuted by the Jews. 

    Chapter 14  

     1- 7 Paul and Barnabas at Iconium. 
     8-18 A cripple healed at Lystra, The people would have sacrificed to Paul and Barnabas. 
    19-28 Paul stoned at Lystra, The churches visited again. 

    Chapter 15  

     1- 6 The dispute raised by Judaizing teachers. 
     7-21 The council at Jerusalem. 
    22-35 The letter from the council. 
    36-41 Paul and Barnabas separate.

¹Ù¿ïÀÇ 2Â÷ ¿©Çà (16-18Àå) 
    Chapter 16  

     1- 5 Paul takes Timothy to be his assistant. 
     6-15 Paul proceeds to Macedonia, The conversion of Lydia. 
    16-24 An evil spirit cast out, Paul and Silas scourged and imprisoned. 
    25-34 The conversion of the jailer at Philippi. 
    35-40 Paul and Silas released. 

    Chapter 17  

     1- 9 Paul at Thessalonica. 
    10-15 The noble conduct of the Bereans. 
    16-21 Paul at Athens. 
    22-31 He preaches there. 
    32-34 The scornful conduct of the Athenians. 

    Chapter 18  

     1- 6 Paul at Corinth, with Aquila and Priscilla. 
     7-11 He continues to preach at Corinth. 
    12-17 Paul before Gallio. 
    18-23He visits Jerusalem. 
    24-28 Apollos teaches at Ephesus and in Achaia.

¹Ù¿ïÀÇ 3Â÷ ¿©Çà (19-20Àå) 
    Chapter 19  

     1- 7 Paul instructs the disciples of John at Ephesus. 
     8-12 He teaches there. 
    13-20 The Jewish exorcists disgraced. Some Ephesians burn their evil books. 
    21-31 The tumult at Ephesus. 
    32-41 The tumult appeased. 

    Chapter 20  

     1- 6 Paul's journeys. 
     7-12 Eutychus restored to life. 
    13-16 Paul travels towards Jerusalem. 
    17-27 Paul's discourse to the elders of Ephesus. 
    28-38 Their farewell.

¿¹·ç»ì·½¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¹Ù¿ïÀÇ Ã¼Æ÷ (21-23Àå) 
    Chapter 21  

     1- 7 Paul's voyage towards Jerusalem. 
     8-18 Paul at Cesarea. The prophecy of Agabus, Paul at Jerusalem. 
    19-26 He is persuaded to join in ceremonial observances. 
    27-40 Being in danger from the Jews, he is rescued by the Romans. 

    Chapter 22  

     1-11 Paul's account of his conversion. 
    12-21 Paul directed to preach to the Gentiles. 
    22-30 The rage of the Jews Paul pleads that he is a Roman citizen. 

    Chapter 23  

     1- 5 Paul's defence before the council of the Jews. 
     6-11 Paul's defence. He receives a Divine assurance that he shall go to Rome. 
    12-24 The Jews conspire to kill Paul, Lysias sends him to Cesarea. 
    25-35 Lysias's letter to Felix.

°¡À̻緪¿¡¼­ ¹Ù¿ïÀÌ ¹Þ´Â ¼¼¹øÀÇ ÀçÆÇ (24-26Àå) 
    Chapter 24  

     1- 9 The speech of Tertullus against Paul. 
    10-21 Paul's defence before Felix. 
    22-27 Felix trembles at the reasoning of Paul. 

    Chapter 25  

     1-12 Paul before Festus, he appeals to Caesar. 
    13-27 Festus confers with Agrippa respecting Paul. 

    Chapter 26  

     1-11 Paul's defence before Agrippa. 
    12-23 His conversion and preaching to the Gentiles. 
    24-32 Festus and Agrippa convinced of Paul's innocence.

¹Ù¿ïÀÇ ·Î¸¶¿©Çà (27-28Àå) 
    Chapter 27  

     1-11 Paul's voyage towards Rome. 
    12-20 Paul and his companions endangered by a tempest. 
    21-29 He receives a Divine assurance of safety. 
    30-38 Paul encourages those with him. 
    39-44 They are shipwrecked. 

    Chapter 28  

    1-10 Paul kindly received at Melita. 
    11-16 He arrives at Rome. 
    17-22 His conference with the Jews. 
    23-31 Paul preaches to the Jews, and abides at Rome a prisoner.