▶ 장 요약

  행9:1         사울의 회심
  행9:10        아나니아와 사울
  행9:20        사울의 회심 후 되어진 일
  행9:31        이방인의 개종
  행9:36        다비다를 살린 베드로

Saul, bent on the destruction of the Christians, obtains letters from the high priest, authorizing him to seize those whom he should find at Damascus, and bring them bound to Jerusalem, 1,2. On his way to Damascus, he has a Divine vision, is convinced of his sin and folly, is struck blind, and remains three days without sight, and neither eats nor drinks, 3-9. Ananias, a disciple, is commanded in a vision to go and speak to Saul, and restore his sight, 10-16. Ananias goes and lays his hands on him, and he receives his sight, and is baptized, 17-19. Saul, having spent a few days with the Christians at Damascus, goes to the synagogues, proclaims Christ, and confounds the Jews, 20-22. The Jews lay wait to kill him, but the disciples let him down over the walls of the city in a basket, by night, and he escapes to Jerusalem, 23-25. Having wished to associate with the disciples there, they avoid him; but Barnabas takes and brings him to the apostles, and declares his conversion, 26,27. He continues in Jerusalem preaching Christ, and arguing with the Hellenistic Jews, who endeavour to slay him; but the disciples take him to Caesarea, and send him thence to his own city Tarsus, 28-30. About this time, the Churches, being freed from persecution, are edified and multiplied, 31. Peter heals Eneas at Lydda, who had been afflicted with the palsy eight years: in consequence of which miracle, all the people of Lydda and Saron are converted, 32-35. Account of the sickness and death of a Christian woman named Tabitha, who dwelt at Joppa; and her miraculous restoration to life by the ministry of Peter, 36-41. Gracious effects produced among the inhabitants of Lydda by this miracle, 42,43.



1.그리스도인들을 박해하는 사울의 모습은 어떠했는가(행 9:1, 2)?

2.사울이 그리스도인을 잡아오기 위해 택한 곳은(행 9:3)?


3.예수님이 사울에게 주신 사명은(행 9:15)?

4.예수님은 누구를 통해 사울의 눈을 낫게 하셨는가(행 9:17)?


5.사울은 어떻게 다메섹에 사는 유대인들을 굴복시켰는가(행 9:22)?

6.복음을 전하는 사울이 당하게 된 어려움은 어떤 것이었나(행 9:23, 24)?


7.사도들에게 사울의 회심과 복음 증거한 일을 설명한 사람은(행 9:26, 27)?

8.베드로가 욥바에서 한 일은(행 9:36-40)?


9.베드로는 다비다를 어떻게 살렸는가(행 9:40)?

NIV (KJV) 사도행전 9장 본문 (클릭)

1 What type of threats was Saul breathing against the disciples?
2 Who prayed and brought Tabitha back to life?
3 Which Jews tried to kill Saul in Jerusalem?

4 Who took Saul to the apostles in Jerusalem?
5 What did the church in Galilee, Judea and Samaria enjoy?
6 What was Saul lowered through the wall in?

7 Who was the disciple in Joppa?
8 Who was the disciple in Damascus?
9 How many years had the paralytic in Lydda been bedridden?

10 Where did Saul ask for letters addressed to in Damascus?
11 What street was Judas house in?
12 How many days was Saul blind?

13 Where was Saul from?
14 What fell from Saul's eyes when Ananias laid on his hands?
15 What was the trade of Simon of Joppa?

16 Who was the paralytic in Lydda?

개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 테마별, 읽기(Wayne), 소요리, 대요리 문답, 신앙고백WCF
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약,

성경연대표 1.창조 2.족장 3.출애굽 4.광야 5.정복 6.사사 7.통일왕국 8.분열왕국 9.포로 10.포로귀환 11.중간 12.예수 13.초대교회 14.세계선교