
▶ 아이(Ai)

뜻: 폐허

벧엘의 동남 3km 지점에 있어 가나안의 요새지다.

1) 아브라함은 가나안에 들어가 벧엘과 아이 사이에 장막을 쳤다 (창12:8, (창13:33).

2) 여호수아는 이성을 쳤으나 아간의 범죄로 실패하고 아간을 징벌한후 두번째 쳐서 점령하였다  (수07:2-5, (수08:1-29). (수09:3 (수10:1 (수12:9

3) 그 싸움의 결과로 황폐하여졌던 것은 이사야 시대에 재건하였고 후에 앗수르 군대의 침입을 당하였다 (시010:28).  

4) (스02:28 (느07:32, (렘49:3



Ai, [A'i] Hai. [Ha'i]

1.  Royal city of Canaan. It was known to Abraham, who pitched his tent between Hai and Bethel. Gen. 12:8. It was conquered by Joshua — after a repulse because of the sin of Achan — by a stratagem; it was burnt and made a 'heap.' Joshua 7:2-5; Joshua 8:1-29; Joshua 10:1, 2. It was near Bethel, in Benjamin's lot, and apparently rebuilt, for it is mentioned in Ezra 2:28; Neh. 7:32. It is probable that the AIATH of Isa. 10:28 and the AIJA of Neh. 11:31 are the same as Ai, by the places named in association with them. In the district there are ruins scattered along the narrow summit of a ridge, and a depression among the rocky heights well suited for an ambuscade such as Joshua employed. The ruins are called Haiyan, 31 55' N, 35 16' E.  Travellers say that when on the spot, the Biblical narrative of the capture of Ai can be vividly realised.

2.  City of the Ammonites, unknown. Jer. 49:3.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


Gen 12:8, Gen 13:3, Josh 7:2, Josh 7:3, Josh 7:4, Josh 7:5, Josh 8:1, Josh 8:2, Josh 8:3, Josh 8:9, Josh 8:10, Josh 8:11, Josh 8:12, Josh 8:14, Josh 8:17, Josh 8:18, Josh 8:20, Josh 8:21, Josh 8:23, Josh 8:24, Josh 8:25, Josh 8:26, Josh 8:28, Josh 8:29, Josh 9:3, Josh 10:1, Josh 10:2, Josh 12:9, Ezra 2:28, Neh 7:32


▶ 아이(Ai) - 2 : Heshbon

Jer 49:3


개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 읽기(Wayne),
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,