▶ 엘리바스(Eliphaz)

[1] 엘론의 딸 아다가 낳은 에서의 아들이다(창36:4, 10, (대상01:35).
[2] 욥(Jop)의 세 친구증 가장 연장자로 데만인이다.
그는 지혜로운자로서 가장 정당하게 욥을 권면하였다(욥02:11, (욥04:, (욥15:, (욥22:, (욥42:


Eliphaz. [Eli'phaz] 

1.  Son of Esau and Adah, and father of Teman, etc. Gen. 36:4-16; 1 Chr. 1:35, 36. 

2.  Chief of Job's three friends, a 'Temanite,' or descendant of Teman. He and his companions did not understand God, nor His dealings in discipline with a righteous man. His arguments were founded on experience, as Bildad's were on tradition. They therefore condemned Job as an evil doer, considering that this was proved by what God had brought upon him. God's wrath was kindled against them, for they had not spoken of Him correctly. They were directed to take seven bullocks and seven rams and offer them as a burnt offering: Job, His servant, should pray for them, and God would accept him. Job 2:11; Job 4:1; Job 15:1; Job 22:1; Job 42:7, 9.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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