▶ 엘리후(Elihu)

뜻: 나의 하나님

[1] 사무엘의 증조부. 도후의 아들 (삼상01:1) ELIAB 엘리압, ELIEL 엘리엘 으로 불림 (대상06:27, 34.

[2] 다윗의 형 (대상27:18)

[3] 욥(Jop)의 친구. 람 종족 부스 사람 바라겔의 아들 (욥32:- (욥33: (욥34: (욥35: (욥36: (욥37: )

[4] 므낫세 사람. 므낫세의 천부장 (대상12:20)



Elihu. [Eli'hu] 

1.  Son of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram. He is introduced abruptly in the history of Job. He was young and had not spoken until Job and his three friends had ceased. His wrath was kindled against Job because he justified himself rather than God, and against his three friends because they had condemned Job though they had not understood his case. The purport of Elihu's address is that God acts in grace and blessing to deliver man from evil, and to chastise and break him down. Job was a righteous man, but needed God's discipline. Job 32 — Job 36.

2.  Son of Tohu, and ancestor of Samuel. 1 Sam. 1:1.  Apparently called both ELIAB and ELIEL in 1 Chr. 6:27, 34. 

3.  One of the captains of the thousands of Manasseh who resorted to David Ziklag. 1 Chr. 12:20. 

4.  Son of Shemaiah 스마야, a Korhite of the family of Obed-edom, a valiant man and one of the door-keepers. 1 Chr. 26:7. (대상26: 엘사밧의 형제

5.  Brother of David, made ruler in Judah. 1 Chr. 27:18. Perhaps the same as ELIAB, No. 3.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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