
▶ 바란(Paran)

뜻:빛나는 땅

(1) 애굽과 미디안 사이에 가데스와 신 평야를 포함하고 있는 들(왕상11:18).
(2) 좁은 뜻으로는 신 평야를 제외한 남쪽을 가리킨다(민13:21, (민20:1).

(3) 현재의 에디인데 석회것으로 된 높은 지대다 아브라함에게 쫓겨난 이스마엘의 피난처였다(창21:21).

(4) 이스라엘 사람의 숙박소(민10:12 (민12:16).

(5) 여기에서 탐정을 파견 했다(민13:3, 26).

 (신01:1, (삼상25:1, (왕상11:18  


Paran. [Pa'ran]

The wilderness on the south of Canaan and west of Edom. It was here Ishmael dwelt, and in which was Kadesh, where the Israelites encamped when they sent out the twelve spies, and again near the close of their wanderings. David also at one time took shelter in this wilderness. Gen. 21:21; Num. 10:12; Num. 12:16; Num. 13:3, 26; Deut. 1:1; 1 Sam. 25:1; 1 Kings 11:18. In Deut. 33:2; Hab. 3:3 MOUNT PARAN is spoken of, which doubtless refers to some mount in the same district. Paran is now called et Tih, it lies between Kadesh and Sinai.


--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,