▶ 아레오바고(Areopagys, Areopagus)

뜻: 귀신 산

헬라 수도 아덴에 있는 고등 재판소인데 건물은 없이 산위에 공설 운동장 과 같이 계단으로 좌석을 만들고 원고 피고를 중앙에 세우고 재판관이 심문 판결하는 곳으로 바울이 잡혀가서 변론 하였다(행17:19).  

▶ Areopagus, or Mars Hill. [Areop'agus, or Mars' Hill]

The hill of Ares, or Mars. Here was held the highest and most ancient and venerable court of justice in Athens for moral and political matters. It was composed of those who had held the office of Archon unless expelled for misconduct. Paul, who had been disputing daily in the market place, was conducted by some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers to Mars' Hill, not for any judicial purpose, but doubtless that they might hear him more quietly. Here he delivered his address respecting God, so suited to the heathen philosophers who heard him, and which was not without its fruit. Acts 17:19. The Greek words are Areios-pagos, but are translated Mars' Hill in Acts 17:22. The court was situate on a rocky hill opposite the west end of the Acropolis. Sixteen stone steps still lead up to the spot.

(행17:19 붙들어 가지고 아레오바고로 가며 말하기를 우리가 너의 말하는 이 새 교가 무엇인지 알수 있겠느냐 

(행17:22 바울이 아레오바고 가운데 서서 말하되 아덴 사람들아 너희를 보니 범사에 종교성이 많도다 22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, [Ye] men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.  

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


Acts 17:19, Acts 17:22


개역한글KHRV( 120일1독, 1년1독, 권별, 성경통독 )

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Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,