▶ 안나스(Annas)


주후 7-33년까지 유대 제사장으로 있던 자인데 (눅03:2에는 그 사위 가야바와 같이 대제 사장이 된듯하다.
예수님이 잡히시던 밤엔 먼저 안나스에게 가셨다(요18:13, 24).
사도들이 관원과 장로와 서기관 앞에서 심문당할때에 안나스도 거기 참여 하였다(행04:5-6).


Annas. [An'nas]

High priest, appointed in A.D. 7 by Cyrenius, or Quirinus, governor of Syria. In the reign of Tiberius he was deposed, and was followed at short intervals by Ismael, Eleasar son of Ananus or Annas, Simon, and Joseph Caiaphas, son-in-law of Annas. Luke 3:2; John 18:13, 24; Acts 4:6. It is supposed that Annas was called high priest by courtesy, having once held the office: the Lord was taken to him first, perhaps as being the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Josephus relates that the five sons of Annas became high priests, and under the last, also named Annas, James the Lord's brother was martyred. Ant. xx. 9, 1.


--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


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