▶ 척/규빗 Cubit. cf. measures

Many efforts have been made to ascertain the length of this measure, from which others could be calculated. Its name signifies that it was the measure of a man's arm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. Of course this would vary in different persons, and some measure would have to be taken as a standard. In the Palestine Exploration this subject has not been lost sight of. Many tombs have been measured, but they give no definite result. The inscription found in the Siloam tunnel states the length of the tunnel to be 1,200 cubits, as read by Major Conder; but 1,000 cubits as interpreted by Professor Sayce. Doubtless only a round number is intended. Its length has been found to be 1,750 feet; which makes the cubit by the two interpretations, 17.5 or 21 inches. There are however many other measurements that seem to give a cubit of 16 inches. Many of the ancient stones in the base of the temple area, the breadth of the pilasters found in the north-western corner of the area, together with their distances apart, and also the Galilean synagogues, all give a measure of 16 inches. 'Quarterly Statement,' Jan., 1894.

In Ezek. 41:8 we read of a 'great cubit,' and in the commencement of the description of the future temple the reed is described as being "six cubits long by the cubit and a handbreadth." Ezek. 40:5. This agrees with the former passage which speaks of 'a full reed of six great cubits.' From this we gather that there was an ordinary cubit, and a great cubit, the difference being a handbreadth, which is accounted to be the same as the palm, a sixth of a cubit. In Deut. 3:11 we find a cubit 'after the cubit of a man;' and in 2 Chr. 3:3, a cubit 'after the first measure,' or 'former' or 'older' measure. From these passages it is clear that there were different measures called the cubit. The 16 inches above named may have been the shortest, but what was the length of the longest is quite uncertain. See WEIGHTS and MEASURES.
(겔41:8 내가 보니 전 삼면의 지대 곧 모든 골방 밑 지대의 고가 한 장대 곧 큰 자로 육척인데

(겔40:5 내가 본즉 집 바깥 사면으로 담이 있더라 그 사람의 손에 척량하는 장대를 잡았는데 그 장이 팔꿈치에서 손가락에 이르고 한 손 바닥 넓이가 더한 자로 육척이라 그 담을 척량하니 두께가 한 장 대요 고도 한 장대며

(신03:11 (르바임 족속의 남은 자는 바산 왕 옥뿐이었으며 그의 침상은 철침상이라 지금 오히려 암몬 족속의 랍바에 있지 아니하냐 그것을 사람의 보통 규빗으로 재면 그 장이 아홉 규빗이요 광이 네 규빗이니라) 

(대하03:3 솔로몬이 하나님의 전을 위하여 놓은 지대는 이러하니 옛적 재는 법대로 장이 육십 규빗이요 광이 이십 규빗이며

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