▶ 결혼 Marriage. 

This is God's institution: He said it was not good that man should be alone, and He provided a suitable help for Adam in the person of Eve. Adam said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman (isha), because she was taken out of Man (ish). Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Gen. 2:23, 24. This declaration of union was confirmed by the Lord, who, in quoting the above, added, "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Matt. 19:5, 6; Mark 10:7-9. It is confirmed also by being taken as a type of the sacred union of the Lord with the church: "We are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." Eph. 5:30-32.

(창02:23, 24. 합하여 23 아담이 가로되 이는 내 뼈 중의 뼈요 살 중의 살이라 이것을 남자에게서 취하였은즉 여자라 칭하리라 하니라 24 이러므로 남자가 부모를 떠나 그 아내와 연합하여 둘이 한 몸을 이룰지로다

(마19:5, 6; 5 말씀하시기를 이러므로 사람이 그 부모를 떠나서 아내에게 합하여 그 둘이 한 몸이 될지니라하신 것을 읽지 못하였느냐 6 이러한즉 이제 둘이 아니요 한 몸이니 그러므로 하나님이 짝지어 주신 것을 사람이 나누지 못할지니라 하시니

(막10:7-9. 7 이러므로 사람이 그 부모를 떠나서 이러한즉 이제 둘이 아니요 한 몸이니 9 그러므로 하나님이 짝지어 주신 것을 사람이 나누지 못할지니라 하시더라

(엡05:30-32 30 우리는 그 몸의 지체임이니라 31 이러므로 사람이 부모를 떠나 그 아내와 합하여 그 둘이 한 육체가 될지니 32 이 비밀이 크도다 내가 그리스도와 교회에 대하여 말하노라 

All this shows that God's institution of marriage was the union of one man and one woman, the two and only two, becoming one. What is more than this is not of God, but is of human lust. This order was first broken through by Lamech, the sixth from Adam, who had two wives. Long after this instances are recorded of wives, on account of their great desire for children, giving their maid servants to their husbands: an act that would now be judged as most unnatural in a wife. Sarai gave her Egyptian handmaid to Abram 'to be his wife' (the same word for 'wife' being used for both Sarai and Hagar), and God said He would make of Ishmael a great nation. Jacob's two wives gave their handmaids to their husband, and thus he had four wives. God reckoned the twelve sons of these four women equally as sons of Jacob, and they became the heads of the twelve tribes. It might have been thought that God would not have blessed the issue of these unions, but He did: there is no record of any law having been given on this subject.

In early times marriages were also contracted between near relatives. This was altered by the law of Moses as well as restrictions introduced as to divorce, though even under the law, because of the hardness of their hearts, Moses allowed them to put away their wives for any cause, "but from the beginning it was not so," and from the time the Lord was on earth it was not to be so any longer. Matt. 19:5-9. The choice of persons to be appointed as bishops and deacons in the church, was restricted to those who were the husbands of 'one wife.' 1 Tim. 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6. God has providentially so ordered it in all countries called christian that a man is allowed to have but one wife; and in the best of those countries a man cannot divorce his wife except when she herself has already broken the marriage bond. Instruction is given in the Epistles to both: the wives are to be in subjection to their husbands, and the husbands are to love and cherish their wives, even as Christ the church. Eph. 5:28, 29.

(마19:5-9 5 말씀하시기를 이러므로 사람이 그 부모를 떠나서 아내에게 합하여 그 둘이 한 몸이 될지니라하신 것을 읽지 못하였느냐 6 이러한즉 이제 둘이 아니요 한 몸이니 그러므로 하나님이 짝지어 주신 것을 사람이 나누지 못할지니라 하시니 7 여짜오되 그러하면 어찌하여 모세는 이혼 증서를 주어서 내어버리라 명하였나이까 8 예수께서 가라사대 모세가 너희 마음의 완악함을 인하여 아내 내어버림을 허락하였거니와 본래는 그렇지 아니하니라 9 내가 너희에게 말하노니 누구든지 음행한 연고 외에 아내를 내어버리고 다른데 장가 드는 자는 간음함이니라 

(딤전03:2, 12; 2 그러므로 감독은 책망할 것이 없으며 한 아내의 남편이 되며 절제하며 근신하며 아담하며 나그네를 대접하며 가르치기를 잘하며 12 집사들은 한 아내의 남편이 되어 자녀와 자기 집을 잘 다스리는 자일지니 

(딛01:6 책망할 것이 없고 한 아내의 남편이며 방탕하다 하는 비방이나 불순종하는 일이 없는 믿는 자녀를 둔 자라야 할지라 

It is not now known how the negotiations were conducted that led to a man and woman being betrothed, or espoused, or what were the ceremonies usually attending it. The betrothed couple were at once looked upon as husband and wife, as seen in the case of Joseph, who thought of divorcing his espoused wife Mary. Matt. 1:18, 19. In the East a man does not usually see his 약혼 espoused wife until they are married (as Isaac did not see Rebecca and had no choice in the matter), the engagement, and the amount of dowry to be paid by the husband to the bride's father, being arranged by the relatives.

(마01:18, 19. 동거 18 예수 그리스도의 나심은 이러하니라 그 모친 마리아가 요셉과 정혼하고 동거하기 전에 성령으로 잉태된 것이 나타났더니 19 그 남편 요셉은 의로운 사람이라 저를 드러내지 아니하고 가만히 끊고자하여 

Of the ancient marriage ceremonies very little is known. On the night of a marriage the young women went forth with lamps or torches to meet the bridegroom and to escort him to the house of the bride, as in Matt. 25. Such processions have been seen in modern times, and the same cry has been heard, "Behold the bridegroom." They had marriage feasts, as in the parable of Matt. 22 (when a special garment was provided for each of the guests), and as the one to which the Lord, His mother, and His disciples were invited at Cana, where the Lord made the water into wine. John 2:1-11.

The assembly has been espoused as a chaste virgin to Christ, 2 Cor. 11:2; and it waits for that glorious time when it will be said, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready . . . . arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of saints . . . . Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb." Rev. 19:7-9. The Lord will also have an earthly bride during the kingdom. Hosea 2:7. See also the Canticles.

(고후11:2 내가 하나님의 열심으로 너희를 위하여 열심 내노니 내가 너희를 정결한 처녀로 한 남편인 그리스도께 드리려고 중매함이로다 

(계19:7-9. 7 우리가 즐거워하고 크게 기뻐하여 그에게 영광을 돌리세 어린 양의 혼인 기약이 이르렀고 그 아내가 예비하였으니 8 그에게 허락하사 빛나고 깨끗한 세마포를 입게 하셨은즉 이 세마포는 성도들의 옳은 행실이로다 하더라 9 천사가 내게 말하기를 기록하라 어린 양의 혼인 잔치에 청함을 입은 자들이 복이 있도다 하고 또 내게 말하되 이것은 하나님의 참되신 말씀이라 하기로 

(호02:7 저가 그 연애하는 자를 따라 갈지라도 미치지 못하며 저희를 찾을지라도 만나지 못할 것이라 그제야 저가 이르기를 내가 본 남편에게로 돌아가리니 그 때의 내 형편이 지금보다 나았음이라 하리라 

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