▶ 생명 Life.

Life is that by which a created being enjoys the place in which the Creator has set it. God breathed into man's nostrils 'the breath of life; and man became a living soul.' Gen. 2:7. Sin having come in, this life is forfeited and God claims it, saying, "surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man." Gen. 9:5. This instituted capital punishment for murder, which law has never been rescinded or altered.

(창02:7 여호와 하나님이 흙으로 사람을 지으시고 생기를 그 코에 불어 넣으시니 사람이 생령이 된지라
(창09:5 내가 반드시 너희 피 곧 너희 생명의 피를 찾으리니 짐승이면 그 짐승에게서, 사람이나 사람의 형제면 그에게서 그의 생명을 찾으리라

Scripture recognises a difference between 'life' in a moral sense and 'existence,' as seen in the passage, "What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good?" Ps. 34:12. Here is a man desiring life, desiring to enjoy life. This answers the objection of those who, wishing to deny eternal punishment, say that 'living for ever' is only spoken of the Christian, as in John 6:51, 58. True, but many other scriptures prove that the wicked will have an eternal existence.

(시034:12 생명을 사모하고 장수하여 복 받기를 원하는 사람이 누구뇨
(요06:51 나는 하늘로서 내려온 산 떡이니 사람이 이 떡을 먹으면 영생하리라 나의 줄 떡은 곧 세상의 생명을 위한 내 살이로라 하시니라

(요06:58 이것은 하늘로서 내려온 떡이니 조상들이 먹고도 죽은 그것과 같지 아니하여 이 떡을 먹는 자는 영원히 살리라

Man, in his natural state, is regarded as morally dead in sins, and as needing to be quickened by the power of God; or as living in sins and needing to accept death in order to live in Christ, as in the Epistle to the Romans.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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