▶ 헤롯 안디바(B.C.3-A.D39) 헤롯왕가

(1) 헤롯 대왕의 제2자로 부왕 사후 베뢰아의 영주가 되었다(눅03:1).

(2) 세례요한 및 예수와 관계가 깊다.
그 형제 빌립의 아내 헤로디아를 취하여
세례요한의 충고를 받고 
도리어 그를 체포 살해하였다 (눅06:16-28, (마14:1-12).

또 빌라도로 부터 송치된 예수를 심문하였다 (눅23:7-12).

(3) 성격이 교활 방종하고 미신에 깊어 
예수님도 여우라고 하였다(눅13:32 , (막8:15).

(4) 여러 도시를 건설 했으나 반년에 유형을 당하였다.

▶ 헤롯 안디바 Herod Antipas. [An'tipas] 
Son of Herod the Great, but not called Antipas in the N.T.  See HEROD.
--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

▶ Herod Antipas. [Her'od An'tipas]

Son of Herod the Great by Malthace a Samaritan. He succeeded his father in the tetrarchy of Galilee and Peraea. This was he whom the Lord called 'that fox.' He heard John the Baptist 'gladly,' yet put him to death. He was present at Jerusalem when the Lord was before Pilate, and by the courtesy of Pilate they settled their difference; but he treated the Lord with brutal indignity. He had married a daughter of Aretas king of Arabia, but subsequently induced Herodias the wife of Philip, his own half-brother, to leave her husband and live with him. This led to the death of John the Baptist by her desire, as recorded in scripture; and also to his being attacked and defeated with great loss by Aretas. Prompted by Herodias, he sought from the emperor Caligula the title of king (which did not belong to him though so called in Mark 6:14), but this ambition led to his perpetual banishment, A.D. 39. Herodias voluntarily accompanied him.

(막06:14 이에 예수의 이름이 드러난지라 헤롯 왕이 듣고 가로되 이는 세례 요한이 죽은 자 가운데서 살아났도다 그러므로 이런 능력이 그 속에서 운동하느니라 하고
--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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STUDY - 구절(WESLEY), 단락(MATTHEW), 읽기(Wayne),
Dictionary - Chapter, OT구약, NT신약, 테마별,