
▶ 이스르엘(Jezreel)

뜻: 하나님께서 뿌리신 자

에스드렐론 평야로 알려진 골짜기이며 길보아 산 서북쪽 낭떠러지에 있는 현재의 세린 마을로서 유대의 산지에 있는 도시였다.

(1) 다윗의 아내들 중에서 노암이라는 여인이 이곳 출신이다(삼상25:43, (삼상27:3, (삼상30:5, (삼하02:2, (삼하03:2).

(2) 잇사갈 지파의 경계선이 있던 길보아산 근처의 도성(수19:18).

(3) 이스르엘 도성은 이스르엘 계곡과 요르단 계곡을 내려다 볼 수 있다. 예후는 자기들에거 오는 전령들을 물리치면서 이스엘의 왕궁을 향하여 돌진하였다(왕하09:20).

======== ▶ 이스르엘 Jezreel. [Jez'reel] 


1.  City of Judah, from whence David married Ahinoam. Joshua 15:56; 1 Sam. 25:43; 1 Sam. 29:1, 11. (수15:56 (삼상25:43 (삼상29:1, 11


2.  City in Issachar, the abode of Ahab and Jezebel, and principally connected with their history. It was the scene of Jezebel's tragical end.  Joshua 19:18; 2 Sam. 2:9; 2 Sam. 4:4; 1 Kings 18:45, 46; 1 Kings 21:1, 23; 2 Kings 8:29; 2 Kings 9:10-37; 2 Kings 10:1-11. Identified with Zerin.

(수19:18; (삼하02:9; 사울의 아들 이스보셋 왕의 근거지 (삼하04:4; (왕상18:45, 46; 엘리야와 아합 (왕상21:1, 23; 나봇의 포도원 (왕하08:29; 요람왕 치료처 (왕하09:10-37; 예후가 요람왕을 죽인 곳 (왕하10:1-11.

3.  The extensive valley or plain in which the last-named city was situated, in southern Galilee. It has been called the battle-field of Palestine. It was where Barak triumphed, and where Josiah was defeated, Judges 5:19; 2 Chr. 35:22 — Megiddo being in the same locality. It is also perhaps the place where the great battle of Armageddon will be fought. Rev. 16:16. It is a very fertile plain, and is now well cultivated (cf. Hosea 2:22); Joshua 17:16; Judges 6:33; Hosea 1:5. The name ESDRAELON is given to this valley in the Apocryphal Book of Judith 3:9, etc. Now called Merj Ibn Amir.

(삿05:19; (대하35:22 므깃도 골짜기 (계16:16 아마겟돈 (수17:16 (삿06:33 (호01:5. 

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary


▶ Jezreel - Hebron (수15:56, (삼상25:43, (삼상27:3, (삼상29:1, (삼상29:11, (삼상30:5, (삼하02:2, (삼하03:2  


▶ Jezreel 2        (수19:18, (삼하02:9,  (삼하04:4, (왕상18:45, (왕상18:46, (왕상21:1, (왕하08:29, (왕하09:15, (왕하09:16, (왕하09:17, (왕하09:30, (왕하09:36, (왕하09:37, (왕하10:11, (호01:4, (호01:11, (왕상04:12, (왕상21:23, (왕하09:10, (왕하10:6, (왕하10:7, (대하22:6, (호02:22  


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