▶ 미디안(Midian) cf. 지명

아브라함과 그두라의 소생(창25:2), (대상01:32)으로 미디안 인의 조상이다.
아가바만 부근은 아라비야 광야가 그 중심지로 되어있고 이웃 지역들과의통상이 없었던듯 하다 (창37:28).  



Midian, [Mid'ian] Midianites. [Mid'ianites] 

Son of Abraham and Keturah, and his descendants. Gen. 25:2-4. They were located far south, on the west of the Gulf of Akaba, and east of Mount Horeb. That they extended however much farther north is proved by the intercourse they had with the Israelites when in the land; unless, as some suppose, the term Midianites was not restricted to this tribe. Moses, when he fled from the king of Egypt, found shelter in Midian. Ex. 2:15-22. (출02:

The next reference to them is where they joined with Moab in soliciting Balaam to curse Israel when on the border of the land; and it was with the Midianites that Israel committed fornication. Num. 22:4, 7; Num. 25:6-18. Moses was told to make war with them, and we read that the Israelites slew all the males, burnt all their cities and goodly castles, and afterwards put the women to death; on which occasion Balaam also was slain. Num. 31:1-18. (민22: (민25: (민31:

During the time of the judges, because the Israelites had sinned against the Lord, He 'delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years;' but when, being greatly oppressed, they cried unto the Lord, He raised up Gideon and there was a great slaughter of the Midianites, 'so that they lifted up their heads no more' against Israel. Nothing is recorded of them during the time of the kingdom. Num. 10:29; Judges 6 — Judges 8; 1 Kings 11:18; Ps. 83:9-11; Isa. 9:4; Isa. 10:26; Isa. 60:6; Hab. 3:7. Midian is called MADIAN in Acts 7:29. 

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