▶ 안티오쿠스 Antiochus. [Anti'ochus] 

There were several kings bearing this name who ruled over Syria, and though they are not mentioned by name in scripture, some of their actions are specified. These are so clear and definite that sceptics have foolishly said that at least this part of the prophecy of Daniel must have been written after the events! The Greek kingdom, the third of the four great empires, was, on the death of Alexander the Great, divided among his four generals, and this resulted principally in a series of kings who ruled in Egypt bearing the general name of PTOLEMY, and are called in scripture 'Kings of the South;' and another series, called 'Kings of the North,' who bore the general name of either SELEUCUS or ANTIOCHUS. Both the Ptolemies and the Seleucidae began eras of their own, and some of the kings of each era had to do with Palestine and the Jews. The following is a list of the kings, with the dates when they began to reign, noticing the principal events that were prophesied of them in Daniel 11. 

(단11: 남방 왕과 북방 왕 이야기


320     Ptolemy I,   Soter.   He takes Jerusalem.   Era of the Ptolemies begins.

312     SELEUCUS I,   Nicator. He re-takes Palestine.   Era of the Seleucidae begins.

283     Ptolemy II,   Philadelphus. The O.T. translated into Greek.

280     ANTIOCHUS I,   Soter.

261     ANTIOCHUS II, Theos.   He was at war with Ptolemy, but peace was restored on condition that Antiochus should put away his wife Laodice and marry Berenice the daughter of Ptolemy. This was done, but on the death of Philadelphus he restored Laodice; but she, fearing another divorce, poisoned her husband, and then caused the death of Berenice and her son.   See Dan. 11:6.

(단11:6 몇 해 후에 그들이 서로 맹약하리니 곧 남방 왕의 딸이 북방 왕에게 나아가서 화친하리라 그러나 이 공주의 힘이 쇠하고 그 왕은 서지도 못하며 권세가 없어질뿐 아니라 이 공주와 그를 데리고 온 자와 그를 낳은 자와 그 때에 도와주던 자가 다 버림을 당하리라

247     Ptolemy III,   Euergetes.   He revenged his sister's death, being 'a branch of her roots;' and carried off 40,000 talents of silver, etc. 'Shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north,' and carry away their precious vessels of silver and gold. Dan. 11:7-9.

246     SELEUCUS II,   Callinicus.

226     SELEUCUS III,   Ceraunus.

223     ANTIOCHUS III,   the Great.

222     Ptolemy IV,   Philopater. War between Ptolemy and Antiochus.   Ptolemy recovers Palestine. Dan. 11:10-12.

205     Ptolemy V,   Epiphanes (5 years old). Antiochus seized the opportunity of the minority of the king to regain the country. Dan. 11:16. He also joined with Philip of Macedonia to capture other portions of the dominions of Ptolemy. But Rome was now growing in power, and on being appealed to by Egypt for protection, Antiochus was told he must let Egypt alone. In the meantime an army from Egypt had re-taken Palestine; but Antiochus, on his return, again obtained the mastery there. Wishing to extend his dominions in the west he proposed that Ptolemy should marry his daughter Cleopatra, that she might serve her father's ends; but she was faithful to her husband. Daniel thus speaks of it: "He shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her, but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him." Dan. 11:17. Antiochus took many maritime towns, but after many encounters he was compelled by Rome to quit all Asia on that side of Mount Taurus, give up his elephants and ships of war and pay a heavy fine. Antiochus had great difficulty in raising the money, and on attempting to rob a temple at Elymais he was killed. Dan. 11:18, 19.

(단11:16-19 오직 와서 치는 자가 임의로 행하리니 능히 그 앞에 설 사람이 없겠고 그가 영화로운 땅에 설 것이요 그 손에 멸망이 있으리라 그가 결심하고 전국의 힘을 다하여 이르렀다가 그와 화친할 것이요 또 여자의 딸을 그에게 주어 그 나라를 패망케 하려 할 것이나 이루지 못하리니 그에게 무익하리라 그 후에 그가 얼굴을 섬들로 돌이켜 많이 취할 것이나 한 대장이 있어서 그의 보이는 수욕을 씻고 그 수욕을 그에게로 돌릴 것이므 그가 드디어 그 얼굴을 돌이켜 자기 땅 산성들로 향할 것이나 거쳐 넘어지고 다시는 보이지 아니하리라
187    SELEUCUS IV,  Philopator, succeeded. His principal work was the raising of money to pay the war-tax to Rome. He ordered Heliodorus to plunder the temple; but Heliodorus poisoned him. He was thus 'a raiser of taxes,' and was 'destroyed neither in anger, nor in battle.' Dan. 11:20.  Heliodorus seized the crown but was destroyed by Antiochus IV.

(단11:20 그 위를 이을 자가 토색하는 자로 그 나라의 아름다운 곳으로 두루 다니게 할 것이나 그는 분노함이나 싸움이 없이 몇 날이 못되어 망할 것이요

181    Ptolemy VI,   Philometor. He was a minor, under his mother and tutors.

175    ANTIOCHUS IV, Epiphanes.  He was not the rightful heir. He 'obtained the kingdom by flatteries.' He called himself Epiphanes, which is 'illustrious;' but he was such 'a vile person' that people called him Epimanes, 'madman.' Dan. 11:21-24. He invaded Egypt and was at first successful: cf. Dan. 11:25, 26. The two kings entered into negotiations, though neither of them was sincere in what they agreed to: their hearts were to do mischief, and they 'tell lies at one table.' Dan. 11:27. Then Antiochus returned to his land with great riches: his heart was 'against the holy covenant,' and he entered Jerusalem and even into the sanctuary and took away the golden altar, the candlestick, the table of showbread, the censers of gold, and the other holy vessels and departed. 'At the appointed time he shall return and come toward the South,' Dan. 11:29; but he was stopped by Rome; 'ships of Chittim,' ships from Macedonia, came against him; and in great anger he returned and vented his wrath on Jerusalem.

(단11:21-24 또 그 위를 이을 자는 한 비천한 사람이라 나라 영광을 그에게 주지 아니할 것이나 그가 평안한 때를 타서 궤휼로 그 나라를 얻을 것이며 넘치는 물 같은 군대가 그에게 넘침을 입어 패할 것이요 동맹한 왕도 그렇게 될 것이며 그와 약조한 후에 그는 거짓을 행하여 올라올 것이요 적은 백성을 거느리고 강하게 될 것이며 그가 평안한 때에 그 도의 가장 기름진 곳에 들어와서 그 열조와 열조의 조상이 행하지 못하던 것을 행할 것이요 그는 노략하며 탈취한 재물을 무리에게 흩어주며 모략을 베풀어 얼마 동안 산성들을 칠 것인데 때가 이르기까지 그리하리라

(단11:25-26 그가 그 힘을 떨치며 용맹을 발하여 큰 군대를 거느리고 남방 왕을 칠 것이요 남방 왕도 심히 크고 강한 군대를 거느리고 맞아 싸울 것이나 능히 당하지 못하리니 이는 그들이 모략을 베풀어 그를 침이니라 자기의 진미를 먹는 자가 그를 멸하리니 그 군대가 흩어질 것이요 많은 자가 엎드러져 죽으리라

(단11:27-29 이 두 왕이 마음에 서로 해하고자 하여 한 밥상에 앉았을 때에 거짓말을 할 것이라 일이 형통하지 못하리니 이는 작정된 기한에 미쳐서 그 일이 끝날 것임이니라 북방 왕은 많은 재물을 가지고 본국으로 돌아가리니 그는 마음으로 거룩한 언약을 거스리며 임의로 행하고 본토로 돌아갈 것이며 작정된 기한에 그가 다시 나와서 남방에 이를 것이나 이번이 그 전번만 못하리니
He sent an army there with orders to slay all the men and sell the women and children for slaves. This was to a certain extent carried out. The walls were also thrown down and the city pillaged and then set on fire. He then decreed that the Jews should forsake their religion, and all should worship the heathen gods. To ensure this at Jerusalem with the few that still clung to the place, an image of Jupiter Olympius was erected in the temple and on an altar sacrifices were offered to this god. This was in B.C. 168 on the 25th of the month Chisleu. Daniel relates "They shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate." Dan. 11:31: cf. also Dan. 8:9-12 where the 'little horn' refers to Antiochus Epiphanes.

(단08:9-12 그 중 한 뿔에서 또 작은 뿔 하나가 나서 남편과 동편과 또 영화로운 땅을 향하여 심히 커지더니 그것이 하늘 군대에 미칠만큼 커져서 그 군대와 별 중에 몇을 땅에 떨어뜨리고 그것을 짓밟고 또 스스로 높아져서 군대의 주재를 대적하며 그에게 매일 드리는 제사를 제하여 버렸고 그의 성소를 헐었으 범죄함을 인하여 2)백성과 매일 드리는 제사가 그것에게 붙인바 되었고 그것이 또 진리를 땅에 던지며 자의로 행하여 형통하였더라 

Bleek, Delitzsch, and others consider that in Dan. 8:14, the 2,300 'evening, morning,' margin, refer to the daily sacrifice, which is spoken of in Dan. 8:11, 12, 13; and that by 2,300 is meant 1,150 days: cf. also Dan. 8:26. The dedication of the temple was on the 25th of Chisleu, B.C. 165, and the desecration began some time in the year 168.

(단08:11, 12, 13; 또 스스로 높아져서 군대의 주재를 대적하며 그에게 매일 드리는 제사를 제하여 버렸고 그의 성소를 헐었으며 범죄함을 인하여 2)백성과 매일 드리는 제사가 그것에게 붙인바 되었고 그것이 또 진리를 땅에 던지며 자의로 행하여 형통하였더라 내가 들은즉 거룩한 자가 말하더니 다른 거룩한 자가 그 말하는 자에게 묻되 이상에 나타난바 매일 드리는 제사와 망하게 하는 죄악에 대한 일과 성소와 3)백성이 내어준바 되며 짓밟힐 일이 어느 때까지 이를꼬 하매

(단08:14, 그가 내게 이르되 이천 삼백 주야까지니 그 때에 성소가 정결하게 함을 입으리라 하였느니라

(단08:26. 이미 말한바 주야에 대한 이상이 확실하니 너는 그 이상을 간수하라 이는 여러 날 후의 일임이니
Dan. 11:32b, 33-35 refer to the change that soon took place under Judas Maccabeus and his brothers, commencing B.C. 166, and in 165 the temple was re-dedicated.  In B.C. 164 ANTIOCHUS V. Eupator succeeded to the throne; and in 162 DEMETRIUS SOTER; but they were not powerful against Judaea, and in B.C. 161 an alliance was made by Judaea with Rome. The historical notices in Daniel end at Dan. 11:35.

(단11:32b, 그가 또 언약을 배반하고 악행하는 자를 궤휼로 타락시킬 것이나 오직 자기의 하나님을 아는 백성은 강하여 용맹을 발하리라

(단11:33-35 백성 중에 지혜로운 자가 많은 사람을 가르칠 것이나 그들이 칼날과 불꽃과 사로잡힘과 약탈을 당하여 여러 날 동안 쇠패하리라 그들이 쇠패할 때에 도움을 조금 얻을 것이나 많은 사람은 궤휼로 그들과 친합할 것이며 또 그들 중 지혜로운 자 몇 사람이 쇠패하여 무리로 연단되며 정결케 되며 희게 되어 마지막 때까지 이르게 하리니 이는 작정된 기한이 있음이니라

It will be seen by the above that the records of history agree perfectly with the prophecy, as faith would expect them to do. It is only unbelief that has any difficulty in God foretelling future events. Without doubt some of the acts of Antiochus Epiphanes are types of the deeds of the future king of the North — referred to in other prophecies as 'the Assyrian' — in respect to the Jews and Jerusalem.

--- Morrish Bible Dictionary

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